Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tidbit Tuesday: Hot Weather Woes

Growing up as an only child, I never was around boys much.  I didn't have brothers and my boy cousins were all a bit younger than I was.  My only friends were girls because...well face it...they were just more fun and picked on me less.  :)  When we came to the United States, we settled in a small college down in Eastern Washington and in our apartment complex, I had no friends.  Alot of the people living around us were all students at the local University, until one boy moved in next door.  We instantly connected and became really great friends. 

In the fall, we would spend endless hours outside watching leaves turn brown and playing with them after they've fallen onto the ground.  In the winter, we'd grab our slides (aka cardboard boxes) to the nearest hillside to slide down them.  In the spring, we would compete with one another to see how many types of flower species we could make up for the countless ones blooming.  In the summer, well...it was HOT!  Eastern Washington isn't like Western Washington.  Seattle's summers are mild.  But on the other side of the Cascade mountains, the winters were harsher and the summers were hotter.  I remember one hot summer day, it was mid afternoon, right after lunch.  The sun was beaming through my friend's air condition-less living room.  Him, being a boy, complained that it was too hot and took off his shirt.  Me, being a girl (but remember I didn't grow up with boys so to me..boys and girls were the same), also complained and took my shirt off too! 

Folks, I know the picture I've just painted does not sound good.  This sounds like a horrible scene...kinda like the story of My Girl...except I'm not a hypochontriac and he wasn't a sickly boy.  No, we did not share our first kiss at that moment.  It was quite innocent really.  For the rest of the afternoon, we hung out!  With me...prancimg around shirtless.  Not having a care in the world!  We were probably about 9 years old...but I think that's what was fun about that innocent age.  Of course NOW I know girls can not walk around shirtless on a hot day, but back then, it was worth it.  Cause it was SO dang hot!  :)


  1. haha! totally adorable. Kids are so innocent (its hard to believe that we were once kids, heck I still think I am!)

  2. adorable story! :)

    xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

  3. Aww, i read this and thought it was super cute. DOn't you wish we could be kids again? everything was innocent, and we didn't have a care in the world!

  4. lol, i love these tidbits Cindi...hilarious and cute. :-)

  5. Thank you girls!!! It's quite embarrassing but oh well! Haha these experiences make me who I am today...:)

    Jen - I definitely do wish I was still a kid again. I had such great memories of when I was a kid and thinking back always brings me such great feelings. :)

  6. Hee-hee, I walked around shirtless till I was about 10, Malaysia is on the equator so I hear ya on the heat! I think Americans mature a lot faster these days, girls start sprouting boobs ate age 7/8! cuhhhhhhrazy, must be the growth hormones in the milk. At 10, I had no boobies and sported a pixie/ bowl hair cut, so it was like a little boy walking around shirtless, lol.

  7. lol. I totally used to walk around shirtless when I was little too!

