Our Thanksgiving this year was wonderful! The day started around noon...that's when everyone began to come over. My uncle and mom started the prep for the food right away as the rest of us sat around, chatted, and watched some football. We ended up with a lot of food...too much food actually...so here's a glimpse of it:
My uncle makes an amazing ketchup shrimp dish and my aunt cooked up the quail that's in the top plate.
I braised some pork belly the night before and simply reheated it the next day. I find that braised dishes are always better on the second and third day, so I tend to always cook this type of dish ahead of time.
Seattle's best duck! My parents went to Chinatown and got this Thanksgiving morning. Behind the duck are the sweet and sour pork ribs.
Chinese broccoli and thin curry noodles
We ordered a special Filipino noodle dish that's extremely hard to make from my friend's dad who does catering. The bowl of yellow noodles is called Palobok. The green dish on the right is cucumbers cut up mixed with some special sauces and ingredients with Chinese BBQ pork.
My uncle, the master chef...looks great in my Anthro apron!
Look at that spread of food! I didn't even miss the turkey!
I tried to take this before everyone arrived and tried to get my kitty, who loves to cuddle with me. He had a special ocean pate canned dinner himself!
This year's Turkey Day was such a special one for me. I'm glad both Chris and my families were able to spend it together as one big family. Who knows what next year will bring us, but our family will only get bigger. My aunt and uncle's son and his future wife might finally be able to come to the United States soon...so cheers to that!
Also, don't forget my giveaway going on currently here. You still have until this Friday to enter and I'll post the winner Monday. Thanks for reading!